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Musician's Stage & Studio (VA) | (804) 435-6400 | Mon - Fri 10am-5pm, Sat 10am-3pm | 
Wayne's Guitar World (FL)        | (305) 407 4848 | Tue - Fri 12pm-7pm, Sat 12pm-6pm |



Among one of the most popular uke body shapes among enthusiasts today, the concert is all you need to practice and improve your skill set. The Vintages Series line of ukuleles is the perfect place for beginners or intermediate players looking for an affordable ukulele to noodle around with. One can expect a warm sound and higher pitched tone with the eastern mahogany top and body. Design features never fall short on Luna instruments as this uke features beautiful triangle inlays and a laser-etched rosette around the sound hole. Overall, a wonderful instrument for players of all skill levels. Join the Luna Tribe today!

Musician's Stage & Studio

Wayne's Guitar World